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Rose Princess Doll & Princess Skye

Dziesięć- jedynaście lat temu założyłam bloga o życiu księżniczki, inspirowanym Princess Skye z Princess Portal. Dziewczyny z Australii, która tak jak ja nosila lolitę i utożsamiała się z baśniowymi księżniczkami. Wstawię tu kilka artykułów w języku angielskim, które udało mi się odszukać! Nie jest to proste, bo Skye usuneła bloga ...

1) " A Maiden is Born by Princess Skye"

Originally Posted: 2006 Edited: April 13th, 2016

Within each of us, there is a little girl. She is probably hiding now; the world is a big scary place and no one remembers her or cares to make her smile. She has always been there, when we were younger she would smile through our face, or cry through our eyes but one day we cast her aside, when we decided to grow up and locked our dolls away. As Lolita it is possible to once more find this inner child: call her name and she will come. Tempt her with toys and treats and she will once again share her innocent wonder and impish joy.

Thus Lolita must meet her inner child and become one with her. And yet there is more to Lolita then that, the classical Lolita is the young lady who is always correct and proper. She learns the ways of etiquette and carries herself with an air of elegant sophistication. She too is a maiden, but one who knows that growing up a little certainly doesn’t mean you must be any less pretty.

Let us explore this thought – what is a maiden? According to Jung, “The maiden archetype represents purity, innocence, and, in all likelihood, naiveté.” The maiden appears in every good fairy tale, whether she is a princess, maid or lonely child. It is she that leads us through the tales of fantasy, not charging through as the hero but reflecting all that is beautiful in the world through the mirror of her own innocence. Often it is her pure heart that saves her, at all times she is precious, beautiful and chaste and for this, she is loved.

Lolita should relearn some of these old tales, meet again Alice and her curiosity, Odette the swan princess, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty. If she seeks to gain a better understanding, there are older versions of these tales, with the darker aspects left in and much more adult in nature. They can be quite as fascinating as their innocent cousins.

The maiden is delicate, but she is not without her power. If she seeks to follow her heart, she need to merely wish on a shooting star, but may seek out the very thing she desires. The step in which Lolita becomes a Maiden is when she follows that shooting star to see where it lands. For there, her journey begins.


2) "To Be Lolita by Princess Skye"

Originally Published: 2006
Edited for spelling: April 13th, 2016

To be Lolita is to live in a world of one’s own creation. It is to re-capture that child-like sense of wonder and joy at the pretty little things in life and fulfill one’s own dream of elegance and femininity. When a Lolita puts on a dress bedecked with frills and bows, ties a ribbon in her hair and steps into her mary janes she is throwing off the mantle of adult responsibility, all her worries and fears melt away and she may smile again, like a little girl and walk with a spring in her step, taking pleasure in life itself, the floral scents of the garden, the sweet drop of tea upon her tongue. The big dirty world becomes, once more, a wonderland created for her enjoyment. Who cares if the common-folk give strange glances or turn their heads? Lolita is waltzing to a different tune, living life in the here and now rather than constantly worrying for tomorrow or regretting the past. The magic of Lolita is the ability to freeze time, in an era that never was, where all girls are princesses and dine on tea and cake. It is to grow up as you imagined you would as a young girl, growing not ‘older’ but only more beautiful, falling in love with the world and gazing with awe apon a clear blue sky.

To become Lolita, to accept this beauty in oneself is no easy task however. A Lolita must surrender her concepts of what is ‘normal’ and ‘expected’ by others, for these false thoughts will hold her back from reaching for her dreams and realizing her own fantasy world. The first step then, comes in saying to oneself ‘What makes me happy, must come first.’ This is not pure selfishness, for to live only to the pleasure of others creates an inner ugliness that will consume your dreams, to follow your own happiness is an inspiration to all and will create joy wherever you go. Mockery will turn to envy when they realize you are at peace with your self and way of life. Thus Lolita must break the chains that bind her to these false notions.

When one achieves this, she will feel a sudden lightness, as if a great weight has been lifted from her shoulders and she can now fly, free from the burden she has carried ‘what do they think of me?’ ‘what should I do?’ is replaced by ‘where shall I fly today?.’ This is the state of mind we seek.

The nature of Lolita is to escape. However this is often misunderstood, for while one is choosing to abandon the mortal responsibilities; to grow up, to live as a common citizen complete with mundane worries and cares, it is not the choice to only see the bright side of life. Lolita also has her ‘Gothic’ side, that fascination with the false innocence of childhood, the surreal concept of fatality and the shadows that even young maidens cast. Some days she may choose to wear a dress of black, with skulls and crosses as her signature. For this also challenges the common ideal and fulfills the darker wishes of the child within. Even a Lolita who prefers the sweeter style may appreciate these things with a tragic pleasure.

To where does a Lolita escape then? To a world in which only young girls and dolls may live. It is a little slice of sugar-coated history, an anachronism in which she may turn an ordinary room in to a grand manor, or palace of Versailles. Her neighborhood becomes her kingdom, her city, here for her to explore and enjoy. In this wonderland curious things happen, wishes may be granted and fairy tales come true. For one never knows what is just around the corner when they are seeing the world anew, through the eyes of a joyful child. Lolita must not be afraid to explore this strange new world, it holds the very pages of her own story. Every Lolita must find her place and make it beautiful.

To transform into Lolita is to gain an understanding of Beauty. To see the beauty in oneself and the wondrous world about one. The lolita’s heart metamorphoses, like a butterfly, in to that of a beautiful young girl, lady or princess. The maiden of her own fairy tale.

These words are for you, the girl who chooses to dream. May they help you find your wings.


3) " Creating Beauty by Princess Skye "

Originally Published: 2006
Edited for Spelling: April 13th, 2016

For the Lolita who would choose to live as a maiden, expressing her self not only through the decadent attire but through her every little act, it is best to begin with the simple things. When she considers her day, the Lolita may realize there are many things that could be made more beautiful. Why should she surround herself with items that do not flatter her style? Why take part in activities that grant her no inspiration and hinder her imagination? The transformation from within must be reflected on the outside, or she will hide away inside her shell and find no joy in life.

In the past there was a movement towards the beautifying of everyday things, it was thought “why should items be simply practical, when they can be both useful and pleasing to look at?” this was at the time from whence Lolita draws her inspiration and should thus be considered in her own belongings. Where ugly blinds cover her window she may replace with elegant curtains, both block the light, but which is more beautiful? If Lolita does not have the freedom, and often this is the case, to change her home as she wills, she may instead change the things within it. Surrounding herself with items that exude sweetness, femininity and all that she holds dear will indeed make her feel like a princess, in her own castle surrounded by treasures.

How does the young maiden spend her time? When she is free from the duties we all must suffer does she sit mindlessly in front of computer or television? Rather she partakes of activities that reflect her own sense of aesthetics. If she is clever with her hands she may sew, embroider or enjoy the arts and crafts. Otherwise she may prefer to appreciate the creations of others, good music, suitable reading, even a walk in the park allows appreciation of the beauty nature has to offer.

4) " Fragility by Princess Skye "

Originally Posted: 2006
Edited: April 13th, 2016

There is nothing more precious than that which is fragile. Those things that are most beautiful, are those which may be broken, damaged, torn apart. This is just so for Lolita. Her beauty lies not in her strength, but in her apparent weakness. As the butterfly who may only live but three short days, it is this tragic temporal existence that gives it such beauty. Thus, Lolita revels in the purity of such a state, this innocent precious girl who may be broken so easily, like a porcelain doll. She is more lovely than the strongest of women, who fight through life, always seeking to protect others, and in doing so forego the gentle state of femininity. True beauty is not immortal, those things which are made to last are not precious, for they will always be. That which exists in a state of perfection and purity for such a short time, only to fade away and decay… this is the very essence of beauty.


5) " Beauty for Beauty’s Sake by Princess Skye "

Originally Published: 2006
Edited: April 13th, 2016

Of which I speak today is a concept much misunderstood by the people of our time, and indeed, by lolitas themselves. The appreciation of beauty, for no other reason than itself is a pure and soul-lifting thing. It is in our nature to search for the meaning in everything, explanations, analysis – these we do well and thoroughly. We are taught that all things are metaphors, symbols for something else and we dissect things of great beauty, paintings and poems and reduce them to a handful of themes, motives, ideals. This is the way of the Adult. As an Adult we question everything, we seek to understand and in doing this we miss the very greatest element of that which we are assessing, its exquisite, natural beauty.

Children are the greatest appreciators of art, and indeed all forms of Beauty. They can, with purity of mind and joy de vivre gaze upon a thing and smile the smile that says “You are Beautiful and I love you.” It needs no explanation. To recapture this wonder, this joy in the glory of our surroundings is not as difficult as it may seem. When one is tired, lost, down-beaten, soul-hungry, she should not allow herself to think, but to follow her heart to a source of beauty. Be it a rose garden, a church, an antique shop, an art gallery or simply her own small courtyard or rooftop, here she shall pause to fill herself with the delights of thoughtless beauty. It is impossible to describe, the wonder felt at the opening of the first blooms of spring, therefore do not seek to describe it, just feel it with all your senses, let it flood you with wonder, joy, love. If you are cynical, with your heart closed and a wall of bitter humor protecting you you shall fail this, let go of yourself, surrender to beauty and it shall become you.

She who sees Beauty in life will become beautiful in a way no scar nor years can mark.


6) " Innocence by Princess Skye "

Originally Posted: 2007
Edited: April 13th, 2016

There is nothing more precious than innocence. It is a quality so rare, and a state so fragile that it seems like the wings of a butterfly – once touched it will disappear into dust. We speak often of the loss of innocence. The first time we burn our fingers, or experience death, our first heartbreak. These things lead to a disillusionment with life, once shown this cruel and ugly side of the world we loose faith in love and beauty and dreams. It is fear that steals our innocence, fear of loss, disappointment and pain.

However, is it possible to recapture innocence? Once a pure white sheet is stained with blood, will it ever be clean again? It is now we must explore the difference between Innocence and Ignorance. To be Ignorant is to ignore, to pretend the big bad wolf does not exist, to block our ears to suffering and hum a tune so loud we can not hear him howl. It is not good to be ignorant, for one can not hide from life forever, the big bad wolf will find you someday.

What then is Innocence? It quite literally means “not to harm” (in- “not” + nocentem (nom. nocens), prp. of nocere “to harm.”) It does not mean that we have never felt pain or misery, rather that we are not bound to these evil things. To be innocent is to live one’s life in a way that does not cause unhappiness to oneself or others. To be free of all those negative emotions, spite, envy, hatred ~ does this not make us innocent?

Do you see then how easy it is to choose the path of innocence? Once one removes from their heart the thorns of cruelty, there is room once more for the beautiful things in life, for love and wonder and joy. Nobody else can steal your Innocence, for it is yours to create or destroy. The more pure of heart you are, the kinder the world will seem. Others will scoff at this, saying bad things happen to good people, but they have never tried it. Live your life innocently and you will be among the most beautiful people in this world.


7) " The Manner of Being Feminine by Princess Skye "

Originally Posted: 2006
Edited: April 13th, 2016

There are some for whom the gowns of the Lolita are nothing more than a whim, a costume of sorts. For the Lolita to whom they are not this, but rather an expression of her inner self, great care should be taken not only to one’s appearance but also presentation. It is a simple thing to practice basic manners and implement them in the treatment of others. A Lolita should at all times be ladylike, never giving in to emotional follies or physical complaints.

It may seem but common sense to some, however there are points of etiquette and posture so seldom taught in this day. For one, how should Lolita walk? For one’s walk displays one’s sense of grace, inner serenity and elegance, or lack thereof. Lolita should walk with her back straight, shoulders held slightly back, but not so that the chest is overtly exposed. Her chin shall be carried parallel to the ground, neither gazing up nor towards the ground and her calm vision is focused on a point in the distance, so as she neither makes eye contact with others nor seems in any way to stare at a particular thing. To practice this posture, one may try placing a book upon the crown of the head just where it will balance without tremor. In this manner first try walking about the room and then up and down stairs. One will find it impossible without a straight back and level carriage of the head. The arms and hands should always be occupied, either in carrying a purse or parasol when out-of-doors or when inside, a fan and gloves may suffice. If neither is suitable then they should rest gently by one’s side, neither swinging grotesquely or appearing too stiff. It is very unladylike to cross ones arms or place hands on hips. The steps a Lolita takes should be small and graceful, she is never in a hurry but walks with confidence. The weight should be placed on the ball of the foot before the heel, especially when in heeled shoes and steps should be no more than the length of one’s foot apart, preferably less. When carrying a folded parasol or bag loop the handle over one’s arm and carry it close to the chest. An open parasol should be held in one hand either vertically or balanced over the same shoulder. The grip should be light rather than firm as if one were holding a teacup or weightless object. A small note on descending stairs: it appears more elegant to travel down stairs slightly sideways rather than directly, placing feet at and angle to the stairs. When going up and down stairs, steps should always be taken one at a time.

Sitting with poise, especially in wide skirts, is no small feat. While there are many ways of sitting the most appropriate to everyday use is as follows: Gather one’s skirts behind with one hand and place the other upon the intended seat. Without looking at the seat, swing the body around to sit on it in a graceful, sideways position, about 40 degrees to the seat back. With knees together, cross one’s ankles beneath the seat, folding one’s hand in the lap. With a little practice this will become natural. In situations where there is not room to accommodate this position, sit forward with a straight back and knees and ankles together. A Lolita does not slouch or fidget in her seat.

Having addressed this, we come to the next vital issue: how to talk. This is really much more simple if one is simply mindful of what is considered polite conversation, as we live at a time when even the words “please” and “thank you” are like rare but beautiful flowers.

The greatest thing any Lolita can do to present herself well is to speak softly. A loud, harsh voice is utterly crude and will gain attention only of the wrong sort. It is also to be remembered the silence is as valuable as well chosen words and often equally called for. Lolita takes any opportunity presented to her to say something kind or complimentary about another, but does not go out of her way to flatter.

The expression a Lolita chooses to adopt should be one of closed happiness. That is, she may smile and show her joy at all times but should not do so in a way that may appear vulgar, ie; grinning or smirking, particularly when making eye contact with others. Although one may dress and hold oneself as a Lolita, it is in conversation that the truth is most visible. To all appearances she must be gentle and well-mannered, never given to idle gossip or melodrama. Throughout all moods, one’s mask remains the perfect image of innocent beauty.


8) " Art of Bathing by Princess Skye "

Originally Published: May 29th, 2008
Edited: April 13th, 2016

I believe one of the simplest daily pleasures is bathing. I think it’s sad that many of us don’t really get to enjoy this ritual anymore. We take a quick shower before work or school, just enough to get clean but without the relaxation that comes with a nice long soak in the tub. I’ve never lived in a house without a bath, I am aware that these exist now (I have much sympathy for you if you lack one!) and I also think that most bath tubs these days are way too small. Someday I’d like a nice big clawfoot bath deep enough to sit in.

I take baths quite regularly, especially in winter. I can think of no better way to relax after a long day and the warm water increases your circulation, easing out any aches and pains and steams your skin leaving you a rosy pink afterwards! I really love bubble baths, but unfortunately a lot of bath mixtures contain unpleasant chemicals. Here are some other ways of enjoying a bath though:

 Take your time! This is the first rule of bathing. Set aside a good hour or so to enjoy your bath and have a little ‘princess time’ to yourself. Turn off the TV or loud music, put on some relaxing classical or new age music if you like, and close the door. Set everything up nicely from the start with your soaps and oils all close at hand and have a soft fluffy dressing gown and slippers waiting for you when you emerge. You might even like to light some candles to create a special atmosphere. Run the bath, it should be warm but not too hot. Use the back of your hand to test the temperature. Really hot baths can be draining rather than relaxing and make you dizzy afterwards (I’ve actually fainted after a too-hot spa bath once) but you don’t want it to be too cold either, or you won’t have long to enjoy it. With practice you’ll learn the right temperature for your body. Add things! This is the fun part about bathing. You can add so many beautiful-smelling things that are great for your skin too! Here are a few suggestions: bath salts, Epsom salts, dried or fresh flowers, seaweed, essential oils, rolled oats, powdered milk, herbs, spices, bath melts and bath bombs/fizzes. If you’re a girl, you’ve likely been given plenty of soaps and things by well-meaning but distant acquaintances and relatives; now is the time to use them up! Alternatively, you might like to try my Rose Milk Bath recipe below. Sometimes I am just happy to lay back an enjoy the soak, but if you think extended bathing might be a little too dull for you, try reading! I love reading in the bath because its doubly relaxing for me, however make sure not to get the book wet! I also like to drink herbal teas (cleansing the inside at the same time) and for a real treat, cut up some fresh strawberries and nibble on these as you relax.

 Rose Milk Bath  3 tablespoons of milk powder2 tablespoons of Epsom salts1 cup of fresh or dried rose petals6 drops of rose essential oil (5% in Jojoba base or similar)Add the rose oil and milk powder to the bath as you are running it, making sure it is mixed in well. Just before you step in, spoon in the Epsom salts and scatter the petals on the surface. Leaves your skin soft and lightly scented.

You may also like to visit you closest Lush store to see the amazing range of beautiful bath products they sell, in general the ingredients are mostly natural and some of them look good enough to eat!


9) " Princess Code"

What does it mean to be a Princess?

This is the question I asked my friends and fellow Princesses, and quickly discovered it means many things to many people! Being a princess is empowering, inspiring, fulfilling. We follow our dreams, chase after our hopes and make wishes apon shooting stars and birthday candles. Being a princess is about spoiling yourself a bit, indulging in the decadance of royalty, taking pleasure in beautiful moments and the luxury of life. Being a princess is about courage and dignity and duty and it is about fun and frivolity and joy! All these things and more form the ideals we hold in our hearts, our priniciples and philosophy.

It is for this reason that I have created the Princess Code. A list of affirmations if you like, or aspirations - things we aspire towards. These words are treasures, entrusted to me by the Princesses who wrote them, to be shared with you. Please read them, enjoy them and take them to heart.

The Princess Code 📷

A Princess inspires others to follow their hopes and dreams through pursuing her own.

A Princess greets everyone with a welcoming smile, melting the hearts of friends and disarming her enemies.

A Princess has dignity, which protects her from the opinions and spite of ignorant people.

A Princess always looks beautiful, even when she is asleep.

A Princess aims for perfection in every step.

A Princess should be given fresh flowers everyday, even if she has to give them to herself.

A Princess grows in recognition and stature in proportion to how much she treats others as royalty.

A Princess reflect’s her inner beauty in her aesthetic choices.

A Princess goes to war against the violence of incivility with the weapons of etiquette and prodigal generosity.

A Princess lives each day from the heart, expressing herself freely and treasuring every moment.

A Princess has the right to spend her funds on beautiful things she does not need because beauty in itself is priceless.

A Princess should follow her heart and believe in her dreams, even if the whole world seems to be against her.

A Princess respects her environment and nurtures the beauty of nature.

A Princess is never too busy to give a kind word or smile where it is needed.

A Princess’s most precious jewel is Hope, which lights her darkest days and shows her the beauty in every soul she meets.

If you aspire to live as a Princess, if these words ring true to you (and you don’t have to agree with all of them, remember they are the words of many different individuals who are nonetheless, kindred spirits) then take this banner and display it proudly, on your blog, journal or website, and link back to this page. Declare your inner Princess!

I would love to hear your suggestions for future additions to the princess code. They must begin with “A Princess” and be no more than a sentence long. I will add suggestion that seem appropriate and fit in with the spirit of the code. To send me yours just click on the envelope below!


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